Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind

The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind allows you to explore the iconic island home of the Dark Elves and provides you with a host of new adventures and ways to play. Unsure how to get your new and existing ESO characters to Vvardenfell? Check out this guide to find out how to get to the island and how to enjoy some of its new challenges.

Installed the Morrowind Upgrade via the Xbox Store and it's showing up in my game's addon/dlc list. Hopped in game and it says I don't have access (according to the Collections menu). I had tried redownloading the upgrade, as well as my whole ESO install, but no luck. The province of Morrowind. For the game that takes place in the Vvardenfell region of this province, see The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Morrowind, formerly known as Resdayn, Veloth, Dunmereth, or Dwemereth, is a province in the northeastern corner of Tamriel.

Travelling to Vvardenfell

Brand New ESO Account and Character

If you have ESO: Morrowind and a brand new ESO account, any new characters you create will go through the new tutorial and arrive at Seyda Neen, ready to start their adventures in Vvardenfell. Simply create your new character to get started.

After you've created your first character, any additional characters you create can either go through the ESO: Morrowind tutorial, or skip it – it's up to you!

Existing ESO Account with new Character

If you have an existing ESO account that was upgraded to ESO: Morrowind, any new characters you create will also go through the new tutorial, however, you will be given a choice as to whether or not you want to complete the tutorial or skip it and be sent straight to Seyda Neen.

Existing ESO Account with existing Character

If you have an existing ESO character, the quickest and easiest way to get to Vvardenfell is to open your map and travel to the Seyda Neen Wayshrine. It will be the only one available on the island.

Once you have arrived on Vvardenfell, be sure to take a look around, there's bound to be some locals in need who can get you started.

If you'd like some background for your adventures in Vvardenfell, you can set up the events of ESO: Morrowind by visiting an Inn and picking up the prologue quest “The Missing Prophecy.' Upon completion of the quest, you'll receive the Twilight Shard memento that produces a dazzling tribute to Azura!

Exploring Vvardenfell

As you explore the home of the Dark Elves, there are multiple ways for you to get around.

Walking or Mounted

If you're interested in seeing all the sights, the most obvious way is to simply travel around the island by foot or by mount. Keep an eye out for locals to help direct you towards nearby settlements, but don't be afraid to wander off of the beaten path, you never know what you might find in the wilds.


If you see a Wayshrine in your travels, be sure to get close enough to activate it. That way, you can use it to fast travel to the same spot in the future. The only active Wayshrine when you first arrive on Vvardenfell is the one located in Seyda Neen, so you'll need to find and activate all the other ones scattered across the island.

Silt Striders

Travel Vvardenfell in style! You can find Silt Strider Caravaners in many of the islands major settlements, giving you a quick way to travel between cities. Note that unique Silt Striders can only take you to pre-determined locations, so be sure to climb the tower platform and talk to the Caravaner to find out where their beast can take you.


On some of the coastal towns of Vvardenfell, such as Sadrith Mora, you can find boatswains who can give you transport to set locations. Talk to them to see where they can take you and book a ride.

For a look at some of the locations you can visit while touring Vvardenfell, check out our Adventure Guide.

Joining Battlegrounds

If you'd like to try out ESO: Morrowind's new PvP game mode, you can queue up to join a Battleground from the Group & Activity Finder. Once you have opened the tool, select Battlegrounds and then select “Join Queue.' You will then be placed into a queue to join a match with a random map and game type (Deathmatch, Domination, Capture the Relic).

You can queue for a Battleground in a group using the same process. You cannot join a Battleground from an arena's unique location on the map, although you can talk to the local Battlemaster there and buy and sell items via the nearby equipment vendor.

Note that in order to take part in a Battlegrounds match, you must be at least level 10. For more information on Battlegrounds, see this guide.

Entering Delves and Public Dungeons


There are six delves and two public dungeons on the island of Vvardenfell. Delves can be identified by the Delve icon (it looks like a torch) and can be completed by you alone, while public dungeons can be spotted by the Public Dungeon icon (it looks like a ruin) and usually require a small group to complete.

To enter a public dungeon or delve, simply walk up to it and activate the door or gate. If you have group members already inside, you can use the Travel to Player option to fast travel to them as well!

Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind Pc

Explore the Home of the Dark Elves

There's a lot of things to see and do in Vvardenfell, so take your time to explore. Don't be afraid to get lost, and always keep an eye out for quest markers, world bosses, or other points of interest. How are you going to explore the volcanic island of Vvardenfell? Let us know on Twitter @ TESOnline and Facebook.

You can find more information about ESO: Morrowindhere.

Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind Map

Pre-orderESO: Morrowind before June 6 to receive the bonus Discovery Pack, including an exclusive costume, unique pet, XP scrolls, and more!

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Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind Gameplay

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